Hunters – Pheasant Plucker

pheasantPluckerA selection of bottled conditioned beers from Hunters Brewery.

Pheasant Plucker, a light gold speciality ale with an aroma of spicy hops, molasses and cocoa and a rich and fruity taste.

Devon Dreamer is an Amber Bitter with an aroma of orange and fresh goldings and a zesty, refreshing and well balanced taste.

Bluebeard’s Revenge – The Ultimate Pale Ale! Really?

Harper Arms Rating (5=Tribute, 1=Carling): Not Rated. Sampling Only

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2 thoughts on “Hunters – Pheasant Plucker”

  1. I’m not the Pheasant Plucker,
    I’m the Pheasant Plucker’s son
    I’m only drinking Pheasant Plucker
    Because the LandL0rd bought us some

    If we were allowed to rate these I’d given them (3 / 5)

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