The Harper Arms are proud to support the Lang Tengah Turtle Watch.
Our nest has just been inspected and the first egg has hatched!
The Harper Arms are proud to support the Lang Tengah Turtle Watch.
Our nest has just been inspected and the first egg has hatched!
Meantime London Pale Ale combines lots of American Cascade and Centennial hops to give it a complex citrus aroma and buckets full of local Kentish Goldings to provide the bitterness that makes the style so refreshing. Together they conspire to assail the nose with a complex, heady mix of spearmint, grass and ‘hop sack’ aromas, fruity citrus flavours and a bitter finish that makes pale ale drinking a truly rewarding experience
Harper Arms Rating (5=Tribute, 1=Carling): (3.5 / 5)
The Harper Arms are proud to support the Lang Tengah Turtle Watch.
Our nest has just been inspected and the rescued turtle eggs are in good health. They should hatch in the next few weeks.
One of the most well-respected and best-selling IPAs in the America, this golden beauty explodes with tropical, citrusy, piney hop flavors and aromas, all perfectly balanced by a subtle malt character. This crisp, extra hoppy brew is hugely refreshing on a hot day, but will always deliver no matter when you choose to drink it.
Harper Arms Rating (5=Tribute, 1=Carling): (3.8 / 5)